Here are some more important fengshui tips which
will help you not only in bringing peace and
harmony but will improve your health too. If
these tips are followed then you can see the
bring happiness & prosperity
1.Never place a mirror in front of you bed.
2. Do not use two separate beds. Husband and
wife must use a single bed.
3. As due to your busy schedule people are often
unable to finish there work and they often carry it
to their homes, which is at times necessary. But
never perform any professional work in your bed
room.This is not at all auspicious. You must do
this work in some other room if possible.
4. You should never keep an aquarium in your
bedroom.Anything related to water should be
avoided in the bed room.
5. No water should be kept ,especially in the south
5. No water should be kept ,especially in the south
east corner of the room. As this causes fights in
the in mates of the house.
For astrological, vastu and fengshui consultancy
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