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Thursday, November 1, 2007
All My Yahoo-360 Postings about- Zodiac Sign & Health
- LIBRA & HEALTH - Entry for October 21, 2007
LIBRA (The Measurement) This is the second sign of the Air triplicity and the seventh sign of the tropical zodiac. This artistic and tasteful sign is ruled by Venus and is the exaltation of Saturn. The key phrase for Libra is "I balance". As a cardinal sign, Libra is creative and enjoys initiating new ideas.Librans are intellectuals, actively seeking knowledge and mental stimulation. They tend to be hard workers, especially after the age of thirty. Being focused on relationships, they have a strong sense of fair play and equity and make good counselors and diplomats.
True Librans are good negotiators and are apt to become disturbed when they find themselves around dissension they cannot control. Emotional, physical, and psychological pleasure comes from beauty in all its forms. Books, music, flowers and perfume are typical delights. If the environment is less than pleasing, Librans can become unhappy without even realizing that the surroundings may be responsible for the despondency.
The social grace begins with good manners, extends to high level diplomacy, and ends with abhorrence of disagreeable confrontations. Libra promotes peace and harmony and usually opts to bypass hostile confrontations, whenever some other method can be employed.
Some Librans avoid physical activity and are addicted to luxuries and creature comforts. They also tend to be fond of rich and sugary foods, which may result in adrenal fatigue and hypoglycemia.Libra Rules Kidneys
Every zodiac sign rules structural, external and internal relationships. Libra rules the excretory functions through the kidneys and skin. Externally it rules the lumbar region, buttocks, adrenals and vasomotor system. Structurally, the sign rules the lumbar vertebrae. The pathological tendencies of this sign are lumbago, kidney disease, uremia, polyuria, renal calculi and oedema. Libra rules the kidneys, lower back and ovaries. Lower back pain, and problems caused by too much sugar or rich food are common complaints.
Librans are also subject to interminable hovering between alternatives, or inability to make firm decisions, especially under pressure, when they can be pushed by others into taking steps they may later regret.Colors of Libra
Libra rules the colours ivory, pink, pale green and rose. Libran people also respond well to the healing ray of blue.
Libran Gemstone
The birthstone for Libra is the sapphire. Librans also respond to the energies of the opal, chrysoprase and tourmaline. Remember only to wear these stones if you want to bring their influence into your life. You must consult an Astrologer to know more about Gem stones compatibility of individuals.Flowers and Herbs
All the flowers, but particularly roses (white or pink), daisies, violets, asters, geraniums and orchids; spearmint, foxglove.Bach Flower Essences
Cherry Plum
Desperate, fear of losing control, dread of doing wrong.
Need of stability during major life changes, dislike of emotional or physical states.
Homoeopathic Remedy
Rhus Tox
Used in rheumatism and cutaneous diseases; also used in treatment of sore muscles and sciatica.
Metal: copper alloys
Cell Salt: Nat phos
Healing Aromas
Chamomile, daffodil, dill, eucalyptus, fennel, geranium, peppermint, pine, spearmint, palmarosa, vanilla.
The Libran kidney weakness should make one careful of uric acid produced by eating animal flesh. Drink copious quantities of water that has been charged with blue solar rays.
Cereals, beans, corn, almonds and eggs are suitable for their protein. Fresh vegetable juices like cabbage, celery and cucumber will keep the kidneys clean and functioning. This is the sign of balance and one should avoid sugar and refined foods and intoxicating drinks.
Recuperation comes through mental relaxation and a change in scenery.Susceptible Areas: Shoulders, arms
· anaemia;
· arteriosclerosis, brain disorders, weak eyes/vision;
· kidney disease, oedema;
· skin disease, eruptions, acne;
· facial neuralgia, pimples, sores, ulcers;
· disorders of the shoulders and arms, stiff shoulders;
· debility.
Karmic Tendencies
Loss through indecision
unduly considerate - AN INTERESTING FACT
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ===== is equal to====
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Then one must give heed as per % of marks to following things:-
Hard Work
8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%
12+15+22+5 = 54%
12+21+3+11 = 47%
most of us think this is the most important ??? )
Then what makes 100% ?
Is it Money ? .. NO ! ! !
13+15+14+5+25 = 72%
Leadership ? .... NO ! ! !
12+5+1+4+5+18+19+9+16 = 89%
Every problem has a solution, only if we perhaps change our ATTITUDE.
To go to the top,
to that 100% ,
what we really need to go further... a bit more...
1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
It is OUR ATTITUDE towards Life and Work that makes OUR Life 100% ! ! !
Change Your Attitude Š
And You can then Change Your Life - VIRGO & HEALTH- Entry for October 02, 2007
- VIRGO & HEALTH(All the predictions are based on Indian Astrology, which is based on moon signs- TO KNOW YOUR MOON SIGN- CONSULT RITU BALA)Virgo, is the sixth zodiac sign.It is denoted by the Virgin.The planet Mercury is the governing sign.It governs our intellect and communicative ability whereas tradition also places an important role in life.So, Virgo's have a truly intellectual, critical and analytical approach towards life. Communication is an important aspect of life and they love reading books, magazines, and writing. They have a critical eye for details, combined with a ceaseless pursuit of perfection.This endows Virgo's with an irresistible urge to improve in everything and everyone (whether they need it or not!).
The key phrase of Virgo is "I analyze". Virgos adapt to change instinctively and are responsive to the needs of others. They usually adapt to different people,places and changing circumstances by finding their own ways to make themselves useful. They are known to be meticulous and in their best form they are efficient and perform duties very well. Their world is subject to microscopic analysis and they become engrossed in trivialities leading to worry and ill-health. Virgo bodies usually reject artificial medicines and foods.They prefer natural food. Food in general is harmful to them when upset or angry.
Normally, Virgo's are health conscious and they make their own efforts to stay physically fit, becoming a choosy eater, if not a food-faddist. Many of them adapt to routine exercise or other activities. This sign has an unique resistance to disease .and once the mind is disciplined by becoming dispassionate in evaluating the performance of others as well as themselves.But at times foolish fears and apprehensions soon lead them into early invalidism. They are also susceptible to suggestion, especially in health matters and should choose their doctor carefully.VIRGO RULES THE ABDOMEN
Internally the Virgo rules the region of our abdomen. It rules the abdomenial region,spleen,large and small intestine,solar plexus pancreas,lower lobes of the liver,portal veins and we can see some effect on the generative organs. Externally,we see that it rules the hands, nails and the umbilicus . Structurally it rules the carpal bones
Shades of Virgo
Homeopathic Remedy
Virgo rules the colors green, blue, yellow, grey, tan, navy and lilac. Virgo people also benefit from yellow, which inspires the mind and helps to offset the tendency to indolence and apathy.
Virgo Birthstone
The birthstone for Virgo is the green emerald/ blue sapphire. Virgo also responds to Zircon and Agate. Remember only to wear these stones if you want to bring their influence into your life.
Herbs & Flowers
Aster, chrysanthemum, ivy, and fern.Nux Vomica
Used in the treatment of nausea, indigestion, "hangover headaches", insomnia.
Metal: quicksilver
Cell Salt: Kali-sulph
Healing Aromas
Caraway, Clary sage, customary, cypress, dill, fennel, lemon balm, honeysuckle, oak moss, patchouli.
The main problem is of digestion. So chew the food thoroughly, eat at regular intervals and do not drink cold liquids with meals.
Virgos should not eat too many raw foods. Vegetables should be lightly steamed for better assimilation. Eat green vegetables like spinach, lettuce, green beans, as well as brown rice, bulghur wheat, millet and lentils to stabilize the blood sugar.
Water should be drunk at room temperature, as cold drinks will weaken the digestive powers.
Virgo tends to suffer from potassium deficiency. Foods like celery, tomatoes, apples and bananas are beneficial for them.Susceptible Areas: Throat
· food allergies.
· catarrh of the bowels, , colitis, diarrhoea,poor assimilation of food, constipation;
· chronic disease; hypochondria,
· peritonitis, dysentery;
· hypoglycemia or diabetes;
· cancer;
Karmic Tendencies
Black moods; failure through perfectionism
- LEO & HEALTH - Entry for August 26, 2007
LEO-(The Lion) is the fifth sign of the tropical zodiac. Leo is a creative, sociable and dramatic sign, which loves to be the center of a circle of admirers. The key phrase for Leo is "I will". This sign represents majesty, power and dignity. When their egos are turned inward, Leos become self-centered and tyrannical. Leos express pride in every movement, as long as they are in control or in positions of responsibility, their self-confidence is high. Leos whose desires for power and authority remain unfulfilled may show laziness, indolence and inconstancy.
Leo's are bold & courageous and even stubborn at times, when plans are not of their own way. They are also arrogant and willful at times, expecting the limelight and the admiration of others. Their confident attitude may appear smug to others. Their hairs are in abundance as in a lion's mane with the chin firm and purposeful. Leo is usually not a tall sign, but very sturdy with an even gait.
The Sun, supreme ruler of the human ego, rules Leo. Its influence gives Leos their true love of life, love through marriage and its pleasures. They are strongly attracted to the opposite sex. It is easy for pleasure-loving Leos like rich food and love going to restaurants and as a result gain weight, especially around the girth.
Leo, the Lion represents the heart of the physical system. It is a fire sign & so heats the body and can lead to a loss of equilibrium between body and mind. Internally, Leo rules the heart, liver, spleen, pulmonary arteries, spinal cord and aorta etc. Externally, the Lion governs the back and forearm, while structurally, the twelve dorsal vertebrae. The diseases of Leo predominately involve the heart, most seriously occlusion of cardiac arteries by blood clot or occlusion bringing on a heart attack. Nervous tension can affect the heart. The fire of Leo tends to fevers, especially heart-related issues such as pericarditis and rheumatic heart disease and is linked to jaundice and eye problems (Solar ruler ship). Leo, though fond of children, is traditionally a barren sign.Colors of Leo
The colors gold, royal blue and red for Leo's. Leo people also respond well to the royal rays of purple, which cool the hot temperament.
Gem stone for LeoMetallic gold & royal metal are ruled by Leo's. The gemstones for Leo are the yellow sapphire, diamond, carnelian, peridot (chrysolite)& sardonyx. Remember only to wear these stones if you want to bring their influence into your life.It is to be worn on specific days.
Herbs & Flowers
Dahlia, yellow lily, poppy (red), marigold, sunflower, heliotrope, orange and rosemary.Flower Essences
Dominating, inflexible, ambitious, bossy.
Possessive, self love, self pity, seeks attention, dislikes being alone.
Remedies in Homeopathy
Used in the treatment of colds and fevers; eases digestion and tension.
Metal: Gold
Cell Salt: Magnesium phos
PhotobioticsMost Leos, due to their fiery nature, are suited to vegetarian diets. They should avoid meats that are heating, like beef, turkey and lamb.Vegetable foods which contain iron, like spanich, kale and wheat grass are important. Buckwheat, a cooling grain, is suited to the Leonine temperament. Blue fruits such as grapes and berries bring benefit. Coconut, nuts, raisins, lentils are beneficial foods.
Susceptible Areas
Head & lower back
· Anemia, heart disease, palpitation;
· spinal disorders, backache;
· baldness; eye troubles.
Karmic Tendencies
Death by plague
- CANCER & HEALTH - Entry for August 13, 2007
Cancer is the fourth sign of the tropical zodiac. The key phrase for Cancer is "I feel". Cancer's sign is the crab. It is a highly creative sign of deep feeling, with a powerful psychic sensitivity held in check beneath a tough, shell-like exterior.
Cancerian people are at times very complex, appearing to have the strength of a hero and at other times displaying the weakness of a child. This is due to a combined solar-lunar influence. Just as the Sun reverses its direction in this sign, stopping in the northern sky and beginning its trek southward, the crab often walks sideways upon the approach of danger.
Cancerians have an indirect approach in dealing with others than direct confrontations. They are more apt to resort to emotional appeals. This is because they react emotionally to everything they experience in life. Many succeed in life because of their genuine concern for the welfare of others inspires loyalty as well as cooperation and trust.
Cancerians also make good business people, combining artistry, originality and drive with an understanding of financial matters, marketing and the needs of the public. They can trust their intuitions, but need to generate a faith in themselves which will not be dampened by gloom or depression over what, in retrospect, may appear to be relatively insignificant problems. Cancer has the natural ability to be diplomatic and to speak out when necessary. Home and family ties will be significant in life and developing a secure, comfortable home environment will be a boon to their state of mind, irrespective of marital state.
Cancer's Ruling Area is - Breast
Cancer's astrological symbol is Crab, so when threatened, people with Cancer prominent in their chart tend to armour themselves by withdrawing into solitude. When upset, they usually use food as consolation, which in turn, results in obesity, food allergies and intestinal dysbiosis.
We see that when Sun in Cancer, reflects a weakened physical constitution. Externally, it rules the breasts, epigastric region and the elbows. Internally, it rules the stomach, digestive organs, upper lobe of the liver, thoracic duct, pancreas, blood serum and womb. The entire act of digestion with peristalsis and chymification is ruled by Cancer. Indigestion, stomach ulcer, flatulence, jaundice and liver torpidity and mammary affections are common. Be on guard against lymphatic stasis.
In structure, Cancer rules the blood serum, axillae, bladder and albumen. People with Cancer active in their charts are subject to coughs, gas,indigestion, gallstones, general problems with stomach, liver and intestines, plus emotional disorders such as depression, hypochondria and hysteria.Color of Cancer
Cancer rules the colors white, silver, pale yellow, green and russet. Cancerian people also respond well to the healing ray of violet.
Cancer's Gem Stone
The birthstone for Cancer is the ruby, a stone of ripe richness. Cancerians also respond to the energies of the pearl and the moonstone. Remember only to wear these stones if you want to bring their influence into your life.
Herbs & Flowers
Water lily (lotus), white rose, iris, white poppy, carnation, jasmine, southern magnolia and chamomile.Bach Flower Essences
Self-centred, compulsive talking, cannot be alone.
Century Plant
Weak-willed, too easily influenced by others.
Homoeopathic Remedy
Used against amoebic dysentery; also as an expectorant, emetic and diaphoretic.
Metal: silver
Cell Salt: calc fluor
Healing Aromas
Chamomile, cardamom, jasmine, lemon, lily, myrrh, palmarosa, plumeria, rose, sandalwood, yarrow.
Avoid foods which ferment in the stomach, like refined breads and dead flesh. Be on guard against candida yeast producing foods like refined sugar, pastry and meats with antibiotics. Fish is a much better food for you.
Drink plenty of water upon rising and at bedtime.
Violet coloured foods like grapes and buckwheat will benefit.
Cancer should avoid beer.
Fresh cabbage juice benefits the stomach, offsetting ulcers and irritations, fresh sauerkraut benefits the intestines and offsets dysfermentation. The cabbage group overall benefits those with Sun in Cancer (cabbage, kale, broccoli, mustard greens, watercress and cauliflower).
There is also a possibility of potassium deficiency, particularly if one craves salt. This can be offset by drinking fresh fruit and vegetable juices.Susceptible Areas: Knees, shoulders, arms
· anaemia, weak and/or impure blood;
· weakened powers of digestion, biliousness, dyspepsia, putrid bowels, indigestion;
· oedema, swollen feet, lymph stasis, obesity;
· backache.
Karmic TendenciesOversensitive
easily offended or disturbed - GEMINI & HELATH- Entry for July 24, 2007
Gemini is the first sign of the Air and the third sign of the zodiac. The key phrase for Gemini is "I think". It is a sign of lively communication, knowledge, exchange of ideas, gossip and intellectual matters. In Gemini, the karmic stage is concerned with information, communication, and creative writing. Gemini needs to express ideas and share information with others. The mature Gemini becomes a serious scholar, writer and researcher. The immature Gemini is a gossipy talker, nervous and high strung.
It is the sign of the hands and fingers and these individuals receive pleasure by using them, either in their work or even while they talk. Gemini's anchor points are words. Their sense of safety is by talking and responding well to emergencies. Their memories are excellent. They react intellectually to everything they experience and yet are quite moody, hence their dual natured personality. Geminians should have calmness of mind and body as well. They should avoid using hands while conversations and arguments, this will help them in controlling their anger. Geminians are good at humour. They are good at art & crafts,graphics, interior decoration, mechanical devices or doing repair work.
Gemini Rules the Breath
Each sign of the zodiac has external, internal and structural rulership. Externally, Gemini rules the shoulders and upper arms. Internally, the breath, nerve fibres, thymus gland and lungs, trachea and bronchi. Structurally, the clavicle, scapula and humerus. This double sign portends the native suffering from two diseases at the same time. The geminians have nervousness, passivity, negativity & restlessness. They face problems related to anaemia, tuberculosis, asthama. They also have respiratory problems but the most effected parts of body are hands, fingers, lungs, arms,nervous system etc.
Colors of Gemini
Gemini Birthstone
Orange, Lemon, Yellow
Topaz, Agate, Emerald
Flowers and Herbs
Lilac, azalea, lily-of-the-valley, lavender, myrtle and sweet pea.Bach Flower Essences
Dreamers, indifference, absent-mindedness, inattention.
Stress, tension, over-exhaustion, forceful, argumentative.
Homoeopathic Remedy
Used in the treatment of colds, flu and headaches.
Metal: alloys; mercury compounds
Cell Salt: kali mur
Healing Musical Note: A
Healing Aromas
Benzoin, bergamot, mint, caraway, dill, lavender, lemon grass, lily of the valley, peppermint, sweet pea.
A mental sign requires oxygenating foods like fresh fruits and vegetables. Gemini benefits through orange-colored foods like oranges, pink grapefruit, peaches, apricots, etc., which help decongest the lungs and prevent mucus. Avoid milk which produces mucus. Eat plenty of potassium-based foods like fruit and avoid salt. Do not eat heavily before bedtime. Pay careful attention to the breathing, which should be regular and deep. Get lots of fresh air to avoid sore throat as well as plenty of water to prevent accumulation of mucus. Carrot juice is the vegetable drink of choice. Lentils are the beans of choice. Recuperation comes through mental relaxation and change of scenery.
Susceptible Areas: Legs, ankles
· anaemia;
· nervous disorders, stiff shoulders, diseases and injuries of the arms and fingers, leg pains;
· chest disorders, abnormal or shallow breathing, lack of proper oxygenation;
· hay fever, tuberculosis, pleurisy;
· gives up easily.
Karmic Tendencies-
Mental focus
- TAURUS THE BULL - RULES THE THROATEach sign has external,internal & structural relationships. Externally, Taurus rules the throat, neck, ears &lower jaw. Internally, it rules the thyroid glands, pharynx,larynx,jugular vein,tonsils,Eustachian tubes,cervical ganglia and carotid arteries.
The key phrase of Taurus is "I have". They have a strong desire for personal security. Their quest for spritual truths comes by material efforts. The astrological symbol for Taurus is the bull, which reveals the stubborn nature of the Taurean personality. Because these individuals are unable to rely on others, they are usually very dependable themselves. A good Taurean will have a strong sense of loyalty. The hub of their universe is security, both physical and emotional.
If the Sun is fully expressed in the chart, Taureans are physically strong and solidly built with a heavy chest and torso. Even those who are not fat may appear physically dense and characteristically stout, even barrel-chested, with thick legs.
Taurus rules the throat, giving a powerful, often beautiful voice. The influence of Venus opens up a world of musical talent and appreciation, so Taureans are good singers and musicians, or at least, love music and can be a force on the business side of music.Taurus Shades
Taurus rules the colors brown, russet and turquoise. Taurus people also benefit from yellow, which inspires the mind and helps to offset the tendency to indolence and apathy.
Taurus Birthstone
The birthstone for Taurus is the emerald. Remember only to wear these stones if you want to bring their influence into your life. More about Gemstones & Astrology.
Flowers and Herbs
Rose, foxglove, daisy, lily, daffodil, apple, magnolia and patchouli.Bach Flower Essences
Uncertainty, alternating moods, hesitancy, cannot make up the mind, lack of confidence.
Capable, with occasional feelings of inadequacy, despondency, exhaustion, from over-straining for perfection.
Homoeopathic Remedy
Used as a sedative and for its spasmolytic effects on the gastro-intestinal tract.
Metal: copper
Cell Salt: nat sulph
Healing Musical Note: A# (A sharp)
Healing Aromas
Apple, cardamom, honeysuckle, lilac, magnolia, oak moss, patchouli, plumeria, rose, thyme, tonka, ylang-ylang.
Avoid fattening, starchy and heating foods like meats and liquors, as Taurus tends to gout and rheumatism.
Occasional lemon juice and water fasts will offset toxic deposits leading to sore throats and earaches.
Moderation in diet is the keynote for this sign which tends to overeat. Yellow fruits like lemon, grapefruit, banana and melons benefit Taureans. Vegetables that benefit are carrots, celery, spinach, beans and peas.Susceptible Areas: Knees
· adenoids, tonsillitis, sore throats;
· anaemia; backache;
· color blindness;
· abnormal breathing, croup, influenza, hay fever;
· ear disorders;
· knee problems;
· heart disease from eating rich foods;
· haemorrhoids;
· painful and irregular menstruation;
· nasal polyps and mucus;
· eye troubles;
· cancer from eating industrialized, restaurant and convenience foods.
Karmic Tendencies
- ZODIAC SIGNS & HEALTH ( ARIES) Entry for June 27, 2007
- There are 12 zodiac signs-viz, Aries,Taurus, Gemini,Cancer, Leo, Virgo,Libra, Scorpio,Sagittarius, Capricorn,Aquarius, Pisces. Here are the Health related issues as per zodiac signs.
ARIES & Health
Aries Rules the Head
Aries is a sign of fire. It rules the head area of a human being. This sign has an internal, external and structural relationship. Internally, Aries rules the brain and nervous system, carotid arteries; externally the cranium, jaw and facial bones.
Externally, the rulerships are more complicated and other parts of the head and face are ruled by Taurus and Scorpio and all of the planets rule various other parts.
In Aries, the Sun rules the right eye in the male, the left eye in the female, while the Moon rules the left eye in the male and right eye in the female. Aries is subject to all kinds of head complaints -- sinusitis, headaches, tooth and gum afflictions, baldness and are prone to accident or injuries to the head and face. As a sign of this celestial association, many Aries individuals are born with a birth mark on their head or face.
Homeopathic Remedy
Used as an antipyretic and a diaphoretic to relieve fever.
Metal: iron
Cell Salt: kali phos
Healing Aromas
Black pepper, clove, coriander, cumin, frankincense, ginger, neroli, penny royal, petitgrain, pine, woodruff.
Brain and nerve foods like bulghur wheat, oats and barley are beneficial. For protein, fish, but little or no meat is recommended to keep that fiery temperament in check.
Avoid heavily spiced foods and stimulants like liquor and red wine. Eat plenty of fresh salads, especially lettuce, tomatoes and spinach; and cooling juices like wheat grass, grape and apple, to control a tendency towards acidosis due to hyper metabolic activity.
Tissue acids contribute to muscle spasms, tension and pain. You are also prone to potassium deficiency, giving importance to fresh fruits and vegetables. Plenty of water is essential to maintain the Aries hot/cold balance.Susceptible Areas: Thighs
· brain disorders, headaches, stroke/apoplexy and sunstroke, heatstroke;
· ear disorders, eye troubles, baldness;
· biliousness;
· diabetes;
· facial blemishes, pimples, herpes;
· aphasia; meningitis, cerebral congestion or anemia, fainting;
· hypertension;
· loss of identity, Alzheimer's disease, aphasia, dyslexia, speech impediments, general ill-health.
Karmic Tendencies
unwilling to trust others. - LOVE COMPATIBILITY IN INDIAN ASTROLOGY - Entry for June 23, 2007
- The Indian Astrology has a dynamic system to analyze the matching based on various criteria like thinking, traits, and sexual compatibility. While matching the compatibility we count the matching in number called "Guna" and give the compatibility report,which has the detailed description of - Wealth & luck generated due to the match; Longevity of attraction between the couple;Mental (thinking & intellectual) compatibility; Physical compatibility; ; Longevity of life of each spouse; Growth of family/ Children etc. The reports of love given by Indian astrology encompasses both the astrological compatibility and astrological sign/planets compatibility along with many more minor details. It gives insight to all the minor or major things happening in life.
- What is Astrology -Entry for June 08, 2007
(The study of the stars and planets and their movements as well as their affects on the lives and behavior of human beings.)
Astrology is the study of the influence that STARS and planets, have on human lives. The position of the SUN, MOON and PLANETS at the time of people's birth (not their conception) is said to shape their personality, economic condition, career, study, romantic relationships,luck, children and predict their future fortunes etc.
Mostly people know about astrology is their "sign," which refers to one of the 12 constellations of the zodiac. This is a form of sun-sign astrology, which is the astrology upon which newspaper horoscopes are based. It is probably the simplest form, because nothing more than the date of someone's birthday is needed to generate a sun-sign horoscope. Many astrologers will tell you that this form of astrology is so simplistic that it produces very limited results.
To produce a more accurate reading, astrologers check to see what sign each planet was in at the time of birth. The planets and signs combine with other elements, such as houses and angles, to form a complex and often very specific profile of a subject's personality, life and future prospects.

- AstroFutureInsight - Astrology by Ritu Bala
- New Delhi/Lucknow/Darjeeling, Delhi/UP/WB, India
- Coming from a long line of astrologers in the family, I have been providing astro, vastu & feng-shui advice for the past 15 years. An avid reader, I keep myself updated with the endeavor to provide best services to my esteemed clients. I am running several blogs & forum on yahoo360, my space, multiply, face book, yuwie, hi5 etc., on Astrology & Vastu to bring awareness amongst masses. Astrology aims at letting people know their future & plan their life for better living and also make them aware of Indian Vedic Astrology. However Vastu Sashastra sets an examples to the people about the miracles of this ancient science, which helps in bringing health, wealth & prosperity in life.
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